Balance RO
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Balance RO

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 Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO

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2 participantes

Cantidad de envíos : 516
Fecha de inscripción : 30/06/2008

Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO Empty
MensajeTema: Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO   Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO EmptyMiér Ago 20, 2008 8:03 pm

Note from Mods: This update has just begun testing so its very likely that it will be changed. It may never get on kRO mains, let alone iRO. If your only intention is to post here to complain about things, please do so in the Tirades thread. Posts made in THIS thread simply to complain will be deleted. Don't assume information here is correct, because it could very well not be.

On kRO on July 28th Gravity set up a new test server for their Ragnarok Renewal Project. The Renewal is a full scale re-balancing of Ragnarok. The plan is to make RO more accessible to users, and more in line with modern day MMORPG's. In addition, the new mechanics are intended so that they can easily add and improve on current game content (such as 3rd jobs) without destroying game balance.

Original Notice

Ragnarok Online Renewal Test Server Opening Notice (2008/07/24)

In order to collect information and test the new RO renewal, we will be opening a new Renewal Sakray Test server.

1. Users

The closed beta test process will have up to 500 participants.

2. Signups

Signups for the testing will occur between the 24th and 29th.

3. Schedule

* Closed Beta Test

Start Date: 2008/07/30
Server Name: Sakray Renewal Test Server
Participation: Accepted testers
Test Period: 2008/07/30 ~ 2008/08/27 (4 weeks)

* Open Beta Test

Start Date: 2008/08/27
Server Name: Sakray Renewal Test Server
Participation: Anyone
Test Period: 2008/08/27 ~ 2008/09/24 (4 weeks)

4. Connecting to the test server

Launch RO -> Select connect to free server -> From the server list select "Sakray Renewal Test Server" (Only registered testers will be able to do this).

For testing, the server will have 10 times experience and 10 times drops rate, and for testing various items will be sold from NPCs.

We hope to see many of you in testing!

- Gravity Ragnarok Online Development Team
The following is a list of currently known changes. This list will be updated as new information is found.


Base Stats

Strength (STR) *
- 1 point of STR increases status physical attack power by 1.2
- 5 points of STR increase status defense by 1

Agility (AGI)
- 1 point of AGI increases flee rate by 1
- 4 points of AGI increases your attack speed by 1
- 5 points of AGI increases status defense by 1

Vitality (VIT)
- 1 point of VIT increases your Max HP by 1%
- 1 point of VIT increases your recovery rate by 2%
- 2 points of VIT increases your status defense by 1
- 5 points of VIT increases your status magic defense by 1

Inteligence (INT)
- 1 point of INT increases your status magic attack by 1.5
- 2 points of INT increases your status magic defense by 1

Dexterity (DEX) *
- 1 point of DEX increases your hit rate by 1
- 4 points of DEX increases your status magic defense by 1
- 5 points of DEX increases your status magic attack by 1
- 10 points of DEX increases your status physical attack power by 1
- 10 points of DEX increases your attack speed by 1

Luck (LUK)
- 1 point of LUK increases your Critical by 0.3
- 3 points of LUK increases your status physical attack power by 1
- 3 points of LUK increases your status magical attack power by 1
- 3 points of LUK increases your hit by 1
- 7 points of LUK increases your flee by 1
- 10 points of LUK increases your perfect dodge by 1

* With bows, musical instruments and whips, the increase in physical attack power from Dex and Str are swapped, making Dex the primary damage stat.

Other Stats

Physical Attack Power (ATK)
- Shown in the status window as "status attack power + equipment attack power".
- Attack power gained by your own stats affect status attack power, and your weapon affects equipment attack power.
- Cards and equipment that affect or increase your attack power only affect your equipment attack power.

Magical Attack Power (MATK)
- Shown in the status window as "status magic attack power + equipment magic attack power".
- Magic attack power gained by your own stats affect status magic attack power, and your weapon affects equipment magic attack power.
- All weapons now have a unique magic attack stat which directly affects your equipment magic attack power when equipped.
- Cards and equipment that affect or increase your magic attack power only affect your equipment magic attack power.

Physical Defense (DEF)
- Shown in the status window as "Status defense + Equipment defense".
- Status defense is gained by your own stats, and equipment defense is increased by your current equipped gears and their refine rate.
- Physical defense directly reduces a targets attack power against you. Equipment defense however reduces damage more than your status defense.
- The difference in level between you and the opponent affect how effective your defense is at reducing damage.

Magical Defense (MDEF)
- Shown in the status window as "Status magic defense + Equipment magic defense".
- Status magic defense is gained via your stats, and equipment magic defense is increased by your current equipment and cards.
- Magical defense directly reduces a targets magic attack power against you. The reduction from equipment magic defense makes up a higher % of the total reduction.
- The difference in level between you and the opponent affect how effective your defense is at reducing damage.

Attack Speed (ASPD)
- Attack speed is displayed as a numerical value, which represents an attacking speed unchanged from before the renewal patch. As your approach 200 attack speed, your attacks become increasingly fast (max aspd is 190, representing 5 attacks a second).
- Attack speed varies from job to job, and is effected by the class of weapon equipped, your Level, AGI and DEX stats, and reduced when equipping a shield.
- Stats and and equipment that affect ASPD modify it by a direct amount instead of by a %. For example, Two-Hand Quicken will give you a flat +5 aspd.
- Equipping a shield reduces your ASPD by 5.

Accuracy (HIT)
- Shown in the status window as "Status HIT + Equipment HIT bonus".
- The base status HIT is 175, and is increased by your level, Dex and Luk.
- Your status hit and equipment hit affect your final hit rate equally.

Evasion (FLEE)
- Shown in the status window as "Status FLEE + Equipment FLEE bonus".
- The base status FLEE is 100, and increased by your level, Agi, and Luk.
- Your status flee and equipment flee affect your final dodge rate equally.

Final Accuracy
- The ability to hit or dodge a target physically is based on a ratio of the HIT and FLEE between you and the target.
- As your HIT raises above the targets FLEE, it becomes increasingly difficult to dodge. The opposite is true, if the opponent has higher FLEE than you have HIT, you will have difficulty in landing a hit.

Casting Time
- Cast time of all skills is now composed of two parts, a fixed cast time and a variable cast time.
- Fixed cast time cannot be reduced by any means, and represents the fastest a skill can possibly be cast.
- Variable cast time can be decreased via your DEX and INT stats, your base level, as well as equipment and skills such as Suffragium and Magic strings.
- The fixed and variable cast times vary from skill to skill, job to job. Certain jobs have different cast times for the same skill.

Critical Chance (Crit)
- Your critical rate is calculated the same as before, and represents a % chance to land a critical hit, affected by your LUK and current equipment.
- Your critical rate is reduced by the LUK of the target, and reduced if the target is a higher level than you.
- Katar type weapons double the effect of the crit stat.

Perfect Dodge (pDodge)
- Perfect Dodge is no longer shown within the status window.
- However pDodge works the same as before, perfect dodge is a direct % chance to evade a normal (non skill) physical attack.
- Perfect Dodge is increased with higher luck and specific equipment.

Perfect Hit (pHit)
- Perfect Hit is not displayed within the client window.
- pHit is a direct % chance to hit the target, regardless of your hit and evasion rates.
- Perfect Hit can only be gained via special equipment.

Character Leveling

Increased Weighting on Level Difference
- Players are rewarded for fighting monsters of their own level, as well as those slightly harder.
- When in combat a player or monster that is higher level receives a bonus to their hit rate, critical rate and damage, and the lower level one faces a penalty to their evasion, and physical and magical defense. The penalties increase as the level difference widens.
- If you are between 1-9 levels below a monster, you receive a bonus to your experience for your kills.
- If you are 10 or more levels below a monster, you will be unable to damage the monster.

- If you are between 4-9 levels above a monster, you will receive a penalty to experience gained from that monster.
- If you are 10 or more levels above a monster, you will be unable to receive experience.

- The inability to damage targets above 10 levels do not apply to monsters or in PVP. However, a large level difference (20-30 levels) could make it difficult or nearly impossible for a player or monster to hit or to damage their target.

- The following chart shows the correlation between player level and monster level. In this example, the monster is a level 50 monster giving 2000 base experience.

Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO Damagemod

Experience Gain
- The experience table has been drastically changed.
- Because of wide-scale modifications to monster levels, monster experience, and the weighting of your own level, the amount of base experience required to level up has dropped drastically.
- For example, level 96->97 trans requires now 140m experience. After the patch, it will require 5.4m experience.
- At high levels (90+), the experience required has been cut to nearly 1/25 its original value. Monster experience is similarly changed, though generally monster experience for that level range is down only to 1/4.
- Job level requirements are roughly unchanged. However, monsters appear to give more job experience than base now.

Monster Arrangement and Re-leveling
- The spawn of most monsters across the game world have been widely changed.
- Areas are changed so that maps generally group monsters of similar level together.
- To accommodate this, the stats, skills, and level of most monsters in game have been drastically altered.
- The adjustment in zones is done in such a way that players should always have a place to level their class within their level range.
- Some zones have been adjusted to be high end, with monster levels appearing above 100.

- Current known monster sense information can be found here.

Skill Balancing


* The amount healed for has changed. Heal is now directly influenced by your magic attack power.
* The amount healed is no longer fixed, but is a range influenced by your stats and skill level.
* Modifiers that affected heal before will still work as they did.


Two Hand Quicken
* Two Hand quicken now increases your attack speed by a fixed amount.


* Now only reduces the variable portion of skill casting time.

BS Sacrimenti
* Now allows attacks to bypass defense of demon / undead monsters.

Turn Undead
* The success rate of Turn Undead is changed.
* On failure the damage of Turn undead is a holy attack influenced by your magic attack power.


Meteor Storm
* The damage of Meteor Storm is increased.

Lord of Vermilion
* The damage of Lord of Vermilion is increased.

Storm Gust
* The damage of Storm Gust is increased.

Heaven's Drive
* The damage of Heaven's Drive is increased.


* Adrenaline Rush now increases your attack speed by a fixed amount.


Grand Cross
* Grand Cross is influenced by both the physical attack power and magical attack power of the user.
* Grand Cross is reduced by a combination of physical defense power and magical defense power of the target.

Spear Quicken
* Spear Quicken now increases your attack speed by a fixed amount.


Occult Impaction
* Occult Impaction is influenced by (status + equip) physical attack power and the physical equipment DEF of the target.

Mental Strength
* Attacks ignore the users physical and magical DEF but all incoming damage is reduced to 1/10.


Acid Terror
* Acid Terror is influenced by (status + equip) physical attack power and increased by the VIT of the target.
* Acid Terror deals 1/2 damage on boss targets now.

* Bomb is now influenced by (status + equip) physical attack power.


Impressive Rift
* Impressive Rift now increases attack speed by a fixed amount (per level).

Magic Strings
* Now only reduces the variable portion of skill casting time.

Lord Knight

* Frenzy now increases attack speed by a fixed amount.

Clashing Spiral
* Clashing Spiral is now influenced by (status + equip) physical attack power and the weight of the current equipped weapon.

Assassin Cross

Soul Destroyer
* Soul Destroyer is influenced by your physical and magical attack power.
* Soul Destroyer's damage is reduced by a combination of both physical and magical defense of the target.

Meteor Assault
* Meteor Assault is influenced by (status + equip) physical attack power.

High Priest

* Assumptio has been completely changed. Assumptio now increases your physical and magical defense by 200% for the skill duration.
* However, skills that bypass your physical or magical defense will ignore the effects of assumptio.

High Wizard

Stave Crasher
* Stave Crasher is influenced by both the users physical attack power and magical attack power.
* Stave Crasher is reduced only by the targets physical defense.


Soul Exhale
* The amount of SP transferable with Soul Exhale has changed. Now you cannot give a target more than 50% of their max SP with the skill.

Mind Breaker
* The damage of Mind Breaker is now influenced by (status + equip) magical attack power.


Acid Bomb
* Acid Bomb is now influenced by the users physical attack power, the users magical attack power, and the VIT of the target.
* Acid Bomb damage is now reducable by a combination of both physical defense and magical defense of the target.

Equipment Changes

Some pieces of equipment have been changed for the renewal patch. In particular, most rods and some books now grant equipment magic attack power.


Rod - 30 Matk
Wand - 45 Matk
Staff - 75 Matk
Wizardry Staff - 82 Matk
Gentleman's Staff - 82 Matk
Staff of Soul - 85 Matk
Release of Wish - 90 Matk
Staff of Wing - 90 Matk
Staff of Recovery - 90 Matk
Staff of Piercing - 95 Matk
Arc Wand - 95 Matk
Mighty Staff - 100 Matk
Wand of Occult - 105 Matk
Eraser - 110 Matk
Dark Thorn Staff - 116 Matk
Survivor's Rod - 120 Matk
Staff of Destruction - 145 Matk
Lich's Bone Wand - 155 Matk


Hardcover Book - 25 Matk
Giant Encyclopedia - 70 Matk
Sage's Diary - 90 Matk
Magic Tactics - 92 Matk
Ancient Magic - 95 Matk

* Other books do not grant any MATK bonus.

Nota: Toda la informacion fue sacada de Doddler. link AKI
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Cantidad de envíos : 516
Fecha de inscripción : 30/06/2008

Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO   Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO EmptyMiér Ago 20, 2008 8:07 pm

Name level hp size race ele def mdef
Mandragora Lv13 133 Medium Plant Earth 0 5
Rocker Lv15 169 Medium Insect Earth 5 5
Scorpion Lv16 170 Small Insect Fire 5 5
Spore Lv18 234 Medium Plant Water 10 10
Ghostring Lv18 73300 Medium Devil Ghost 0 60
Ambernite Lv19 284 Large Insect Water 0 0
Thiefbug Egg Lv20 344 Small Insect Shadow 40 10
Female Thiefbug Lv21 354 Small Insect None 15 3
Tarou Lv22 420 Small Animal Shadow 16 5
Pecopeco Lv25 495 Large Animal Fire 30 0
Skeleton Lv27 510 Medium Undead Undead 13 2
Pecopeco Egg Lv28 530 Small Unknown None 42 45
Poporing Lv30 583 Medium Plant Poison 22 17
Pierre Lv31 610 Small Insect Earth 30 20
Deniro Lv32 633 Small Insect Earth 32 20
Andre Lv33 659 Small Insect Earth 31 20
Elder Willow Lv34 665 Medium Plant Fire 0 0
Hydra Lv34 660 Small Plant Water 0 40
Whisper Boss Lv34 5040 Small Devil Ghost 0 45
Cookie (Green) Lv35 666 Small Human None 35 28
Vitata Lv35 688 Small Insect Earth 25 17
Stapo Lv36 693 Small Unknown Earth 10 30
Cookie (Red) Lv37 733 Small Human Holy 30 28
Marin Lv37 742 Medium Plant Water 0 10
Yoyo Lv38 817 Small Animal Earth 0 0
Martin Lv39 889 Small Animal Earth 22 24
Myst Case Lv39 879 Medium Unknown None 31 11
Plankton Lv40 894 Small Plant Water 15 45
Thara Frog Lv40 912 Medium Marine Water 10 22
Cruiser Lv41 919 Medium Unknown None 12 18
Giearth Lv42 1017 Small Devil Earth 30 20
Kukre Lv42 926 Small Marine Water 33 26
Marina Lv42 998 Small Plant Water 15 25
Orc Baby Lv43 1020 Small Human Earth 0 5
Goblin Flail Lv44 1034 Medium Human Fire 10 5
Orc Warrior Lv44 1025 Medium Human Earth 10 5
Skel Worker Lv44 1034 Medium Undead Undead 10 5
Anacondaq Lv45 1109 Medium Animal Poison 0 0
Orc Lady Lv45 1109 Medium Human Earth 0 0
Vadon Lv45 708 Small Marine Water 41 25
Wolf Lv45 1109 Medium Animal Earth 0 5
Whisper Lv46 1109 Small Devil Ghost 12 40
Argos Lv47 1117 Large Insect Poison 15 0
Familiar Lv47 1162 Small Animal Dark 20 15
Marse Lv47 1117 Small Marine Water 15 25
Cornutus Lv48 1209 Small Marine Water 35 35
Goblin (Dagger) Lv48 1176 Medium Human Wind 10 5
Pirate Skel Lv48 1176 Medium Undead Undead 20 20
Rotar Zairo Lv48 1209 Large Unknown Wind 4 34
Myst Lv49 1359 Large Unknown Poison 10 10
Skel Archer Lv50 1372 Medium Undead Undead 0 10
Marine Sphere Lv51 1568 Small Plant Water 45 35
Orc Zombie Lv51 1424 Medium Undead Undead 22 5
Phen Lv52 1619 Medium Marine Water 28 15
Verit Lv52 1620 Medium Undead Undead 25 10
Eggrya Lv53 1676 Medium Unknown Ghost 20 20
Obeaune Lv53 1654 Medium Marine Water 20 35
Orc Skeleton Lv53 1648 Medium Undead Undead 27 10
Desert Wolf Lv54 1716 Medium Animal Fire 0 10
Zenorc Lv54 1716 Medium Human Shadow 22 5
Goblin Archer Lv55 1750 Small Human Poison 0 0
GreatestGeneral Lv55 1750 Medium Unknown Fire 38 30
Metaller Lv55 1874 Medium Insect Fire 45 12
Mummy Lv55 1796 Medium Undead Undead 18 3
Marc Lv56 1952 Medium Marine Water 28 30
Mimic Lv56 1939 Medium Unknown None 20 15
Frilldora Lv57 2023 Medium Animal Fire 0 10
Raggler Lv57 2023 Small Animal Wind 0 10
Swordfish Lv57 1522 Large Marine Water 30 20
Matyr Lv58 2087 Medium Animal Shadow 12 5
Munak Lv58 2038 Medium Undead Undead 28 15
Bongun Lv59 2092 Medium Undead Undead 10 5
Flora Lv59 2092 Large Plant Earth 10 35
Isis Lv59 2092 Large Devil Shadow 10 5
Savage Lv59 2092 Large Animal Earth 10 5
Deviace Lv60 2098 Medium Marine Water 31 22
Dumpling Child Lv60 2098 Small Human None 5 12
Merman Lv60 2152 Medium Human Water 37 10
Kobold Mace Lv61 2179 Medium Human Fire 15 10
Kobold Hammer Lv61 2179 Medium Human Poison 15 10
Strouf Lv61 2179 Large Marine Water 37 25
Zombie Lv61 2179 Medium Undead Undead 22 5
Dustiness Lv62 2252 Small Insect Wind 10 50
Holden Lv62 1466 Small Animal Earth 0 5
Marionette Lv62 2209 Small Devil Ghost 35 35
Hode Lv63 2282 Medium Animal Earth 0 30
Hunter Fly Lv63 2278 Small Insect Wind 20 20
Jakk Lv63 2282 Medium Unknown Fire 25 25
Zealotus Lv63 18300 Medium Human None 10 15
Deviruchi Lv64 2300 Small Devil Shadow 20 30
Golden Thiefbug Lv64 126000 Large Insect Fire 60 45
Sohee Lv64 2396 Medium Devil Water 28 25
Mantis Lv65 2472 Medium Insect Earth 10 0
Steamrider Lv66 2490 Small Human Wind 20 5
Kobold Archer Lv66 2560 Small Human Fire 10 5
Horong Lv66 2560 Small Unknown Fire 15 35
MoonlightFlower Lv67 99652 Medium Devil Fire 10 55
Wootan Shooter Lv67 2585 Medium Human Earth 30 26
Baby Leopard Lv68 2590 Small Animal Ghost 0 5
Dokkebi Lv68 2820 Small Devil Shadow 25 20
Dryad Lv68 2671 Medium Plant Earth 24 10
Stalactic Golem Lv68 2590 Large Unknown None 51 5
Nightmare Lv69 2872 Large Devil Ghost 38 15
Chimera Lv70 32600 Large Animal Fire 30 10
Drake Lv70 326666 Medium Undead Undead 20 35
Sageworm Lv70 2872 Small Animal None 22 45
Sidewinder Lv70 2635 Medium Animal Poison 35 12
Wild Rose Lv70 2980 SMall Animal Wind 0 15
Zerom Lv70 2980 Medium Human Fire 28 15
Brilight Lv71 3065 Small Insect Fire 35 25
Requiem Lv71 3089 Medium Human Shadow 31 20
Samurai Specter
Karakasa Lv72 3092 Medium Unknown None 35 5
Ninetails Lv72 3092 Medium Animal Fire 38 40
Sasquatch Lv72 3081 Large Animal None 5 0
Evil Snake Lord Lv73 253913 Large Animal Ghost 25 55
Marduk Lv73 3214 Large Human Fire 30 10
Rideword Lv74 3222 Small Unknown None 38 25
Muscipular Lv75 3413 Medium Plant Earth 39 25
Dark Frame Lv76 3520 Medium Devil Shadow 38 0
Magmaring Lv76 3620 Small Unknown Fire 40 45
Arclouse Lv77 3632 Medium Insect Earth 41 15
Stormy Knight Lv77 240000 Large Unknown Wind 35 60
Wraith Lv77 3745 Large Undead Undead 33 40
Orc Archer Lv78 3850 Medium Human Earth 35 50
Pasana Lv79 3900 Medium Human Fire 48 35
Evil Druid Lv80 3977 Large Undead Undead 32 28
Wind Ghost Lv80 4120 Medium Devil Wind 32 10
Clock Lv81 4221 Medium Unknown Earth 40 5
High Orc Lv81 4184 Large Human Fire 40 60
Maya Purple Lv81 55479 Large Insect Earth 68 48
Roween Lv81 4278 Small Animal Fire 5 5
Punk Lv82 4263 Small Plant Wind 28 20
Raydric Archer Lv82 4437 Medium Devil Shadow 25 40
Miyabi Doll Lv85
Porcellio Lv85 5040 Small Insect Earth 35 45
Bathory Lv86 5226 Medium Human Shadow 44 15
Dragon tail Lv86 5200 Medium Insect Wind 35 25
Noxious Lv87 5430 Medium Unknown Ghost 65 28
Poison Toad Lv87
Venomous Lv87 5300 Medium Unknown Poison 65 25
Alarm Lv88 4706 Medium Unknown None 53 5
Monemous Lv88 80000 Large Unknown Fire 54 25
Spring Rabbit Lv88 5628 Medium Animal Earth 46 10
Firelock Soldier Lv88
Pest Lv89 5747 Small Animal Shadow 38 45
Zombie Prisoner Lv89 5830 Medium Undead Undead 71 28
Hermit Plant Lv90 6168 Small Plant Fire 35 48
Joker Lv90 6136 Large Human Holy 28 10
Permitter Lv90 6075 Medium Animal None 50 15
Pitman Lv90 5920 Large Undead Earth 55 16
Tower Keeper Lv90 4789 Large Unknown None 60 30
Zipper Bear Lv90 6120 Medium Animal Shadow 52 40
Skel Prisoner Lv91 6300 Medium Undead Undead 70 20
Elder Lv92 6841 Large Human None 28 31
Owl Duke Lv92 6881 Large Devil None 50 30
Peach Tree Lv92 6900 Medium Plant Earth 40 10
Solider Lv92 6890 Medium Animal Earth 88 5
Waste Stove Lv92 6900 Large Unknown None 62 20
Pharaoh Lv93 445994 Large Human Shadow 67 70
Bloody Butterfly Lv94 7256 Medium Insect Wind 65 50
Freezer Lv94 7259
Injustice Lv95 7452 Medium Undead Shadow 53 31
Shinobi Lv95
Heater Lv96 7755 Medium Animal Fire 60 50
Mineral Lv96 7800 Small Unknown None 80 30
Taoist Hermit Lv96 7766 Large Unknown None 27 25
Obsidian Lv97 8000 Small Unknown None 81 30
The Paper Lv97
Turtle General Lv97 316911 Large Animal Earth 50 54
Wicken Nymph Lv97 7991 Medium Devil Shadow 66 37
Assaulter Lv98 8109 Small Unknown None 41 32
Kaho Lv98 4210 Medium Devil Fire 66 40
Nereid Lv98 8228 Small Animal Earth 56 45
Rybio Lv98 9200 Large Devil None 68 30
Siroma Lv98 8170 Small Unknown Water 55 5
Alice Lv99 8230 Medium Human None 60 12
Explosion Lv100 8409 Small Animal Fire 59 50
Gig Lv100 8578 Small Animal Fire 71 25
Gargoyle Lv100 8636 Medium Devil Wind 68 43
Blazzer Lv101 8791 Medium Devil Fire 72 33
Teddy Bear Lv101 8900 Small Unknown None 67 20
Medusa Lv102 9045 Medium Devil None 72 21
Phendark Lv102 8960 Large Human None 66 20
Carat Lv103 9136 Medium Devil Wind 71 25
Lava Golem Lv103 9200 Large Unknown Fire 83 50
Snowier Lv103 9145 Large Unknown Water 68 12
Diabolic Lv104 6398 Small Devil Shadow 55 36
Sting Lv104 9500 Medium Unknown Earth 54 30
Deleter (Earth) Lv105 10000 Medium Dragon Fire 81 53
Deleter (Sky) Lv105 10000 Medium Dragon Fire 74 53
Gazeti Lv106 10000 Medium Devil Water 54 25
Nightmare Terror Lv107 10289 Large Devil Shadow 70 37
Anolian Lv109 11200 Medium Marine Water 52 15
Ice Titan Lv110 11990 Large Unknown Water 96 15
Majoruros Lv110 12099 Large Animal Fire 69 25
Ancient Mimic Lv112 12700 Large Unknown None 62 40
Venatu (Blue) Lv113 13707 Medium Unknown Water 63 20
Venatu (Orange) Lv113 14211 Medium Unknown Earth 55 20
Venatu (Grey) Lv113 13900 Medium Unknown None 59 20
Deathword Lv114 14390 Medium Unknown None 42 40
Raydric Lv115 16402 Large Human Shadow 70 15
Dimik (Green) Lv116 17281 Medium Unknown Wind 65 28
Dimik (Red) Lv116 16599 Medium Unknown Fire 61 28
Dimik (Blue) Lv116 16940 Medium Unknown Water 58 28
Plasma (Purple) Lv116 16506 Small Animal Poison 58 5
Anubis Lv117 17292 Large Human Undead 44 31
Khalitzburg Lv118 18322 Large Undead Undead 78 10
Owl Baron Lv120 19000 Large Devil None 55 25
Wanderer Lv120 19230 Medium Devil Wind 45 5
Appocalypse Lv121 20090 Large Unknown None 85 26
Baroness of Retribution Lv121 20152 Medium Angel Shadow 48 35
Abysmal Knight Lv122 20573 Large Human Shadow 45 50
Lady Solace Lv123 22729 Medium Angel Holy 60 67
Imp Lv129 43000 Small Devil Fire 35 75
Whikebaine Tres Lv132 57991 Medium Human Poison 71 66
Laurell Weinder Lv133 61282 Medium Human Ghost 61 88
Armeyer Dinze Lv134 65111 Medium Human Earth 67 6
Gemini-S58 Lv135 86666 Medium Unknown Water 68 56
Kavach Icarus Lv135 83199 Medium Human Wind 60 48
Errende Ebeece Lv136 97934 Medium Human Fire 77 8
Eremes Guile Lv140 317250 Medium Devil Poison 60 12
Margaretha Sorin Lv140 315800 Medium Human Holy 51 60
Kathryne Keyron Lv141 314780 Medium Human Ghost 48 74
Howard Alt-Eisen Lv142 319250 Medium Human Water 70 10
Seyren Windsor Lv142 322180 Medium Devil Fire 96 12

Información sacada de AKI
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Cantidad de envíos : 516
Fecha de inscripción : 30/06/2008

Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO   Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO EmptyMiér Ago 20, 2008 8:13 pm

Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO Renewalmap_en

Si deseas ver en tamaño completo click AKI
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Cantidad de envíos : 516
Fecha de inscripción : 30/06/2008

Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO   Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO EmptyMiér Ago 20, 2008 9:40 pm

Parece que ahora va estar mas complicado leveliar ya no solo sera ir a un solo lado, tendremos ke visitar todo el mapa practicamente y definitivamente toca ir a Bio Lab, sin contar que ahora practicamente todas las builds van a llevar LUK, creo ke no abra mas free cast, ni super aspd, Creators ya no mataran boss o no sin un gastos de acidos considerable, muchos cambios se vienen.
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Heiku Vargan
Heiku Vargan

Cantidad de envíos : 279
Edad : 34
Localización : mexico DF
Fecha de inscripción : 11/07/2008

Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO   Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO EmptyMiér Ago 20, 2008 9:52 pm

a mi forma de ver me parese interesante ademas deque el RO se llevara a otro nivel de juego creo que ahora si no se aburriran tan facilmente lvlveando jeje
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Cantidad de envíos : 516
Fecha de inscripción : 30/06/2008

Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO   Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO EmptyMiér Ago 20, 2008 10:20 pm

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Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO   Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO Empty

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Cambios Futuros y ni tan Futuros en el RO
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